Lead Connect 365™ Announces Launch of an All New Real Estate Lead Model to Increase Lead Capture by More Than 60 Percent

Lead Connect 365™ Announces Launch of an All New Real Estate Lead Model to Increase Lead Capture by More Than 60 Percent

Media Contact: Sally Sexton
(801) 448-1110

San Diego, CA; April 27, 2015 – A joint project between three nationally recognized marketing and real estate companies has launched a revolutionary concept in lead management called Lead Connect 365™. The company recently completed two phases of a five phase implementation plan designed to demonstrate a dramatic increase in sales-focused organizations such as real estate and automotive (and across a broad section of other industries, capturing face-to-face appointments at rates north of 60% with new prospects that indicate interest in the subject product or service.

“We have designed a unique and valuable formula that vastly improves the sales lifecycle in both lead capture and lead conversion,” said Doug Yeaman of Lead Connect 365™. “Currently there is no national company that is focused on organizations who are seeking to improve their efficiency in lead management with existing sources of leads who can deliver such performance.”

Lead Connect 365™ began developing this unique approach more than one year ago and launched an alpha test 3 months ago. In the past month, the company entered into beta-Phase 2, which included a “stress test” to validate its efficiency in the market. Due to the high demand for the service, Lead Connect 365™ will launch Phase 3 this week in which authentic leads will be actualized vis-à-vis appointments based on the success of Phase 1 and Phase 2.

Leading the joint project is Doug Yeaman, President of Quantum Management Systems; Milt Naylor, President of Impact Marketing; UV Mathoda, formerly Director Product Management at Move Inc. & founder of realtor.com® buyer lead solutions; Bob Sexton, CEO of Ad360 and Mike Lopez, formerly COO with Brian Buffini Company. Lead Connect 365™ is the first national company to introduce this progressive new approach to lead capturing and conversion.

The company’s unique selling proposition is that it is designed to deliver a model of active consumers into face to face appointments. The company captures face-to-face appointments with active “interest event” leads at rates, made possible through 30 years of definitive industry leading research, that astound industry observers. Currently, the company has acquired some of the leading real estate and automobile companies in the country as partners in this venture.

For more information regarding Lead Connect 365™, contact Sally Sexton at (801) 448-1110 or via email at Sally.Sexton@LeadConnect365.com

By | 2018-04-24T06:27:03+00:00 April 24th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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